Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Behind the lens...with Amarachi C. Esowe

Next in the series behind the lens I interviewed Amarachi C. Esowe to find out what drives her to pick up a camera and shoot to ill.

Kaos Blac: So who are you?

Amarachi C. Esowe: I'm Amarachi C. Esowe, a Nigerian born, American raised woman of 24 years old. I'm an aspiring artist; I paint, draw, photograph and video edit, I also write poetry and prose. I'm in college right now taking Liberal Art as a major but might finally decide to be an English major, you know for another venture in the world of success. But art is my passion and will play a great part in my future as well.

Kaos Blac: Why do you create, how did you get started in photograpy?

Amarachi C. Esowe: Creating to me sort of comes second nature. I can't pin-point when I began creating as far as art and writing goes but it was definitely something I did when I was a child. Photography became a more focused passion of mine about two to three years ago. I took one photography course in the 8th grade but I barely remember anything. I fell in love with cameras after seeing them in my brother's (who is actually a professional photographer himself), room as a kid. I played around with the film camera we had at home and finally bought my first Point and Shoot digital camera about two to three years ago and my first DSLR the beginning of this year.

Kaos Blac: What would you say was your best moment behind the lens?

Amarachi C. Esowe: My greatest moment behind the camera was when I was hired to follow and capture the moment of a rock band from Spain called Oscartienealas (they have a Myspace). It was their first time in both America and New York City. They were truly great guys, barely spoke English but they spoke enough for me to understand what was going on, it was a grand time following them around while they toured New York City, the job was hassle-less, and it was actually my first every paid gig. I wish to have more gigs with band or even individuals that are just as laid back and fun as Oscartienealas.

Kaos Blac: Where can we find more of your work?

Amarachi C. Esowe: You can find more of my work at my Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/people/crystalephotography/

*all photography in this blogpost are by Amarachi C. Esowe

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