Sunday, May 16, 2010

Artist to watch....Galaxy of Tar

There is a black ooze polluting the world out there...its taking over...its infecting the galaxy. Goodbye milky way, hello Galaxy of Tar.

Made of the decaying corpses of bands of ol' the galaxy expands. Elias Diaz, drummer, and Naima Mora, Singer, both formally Chewing pics, picked up the pieces of the band they left behind to forge a new sound dripping, and oozing black psychedelic vibes. Along the way they picked up Samuel Fernandez, former bassist of the band Millsted as well as Nemanja Rebic as guitarist and the sound ripened with age and practice and began to engulf all that would hear it until a new galaxy was born....

It wasnt that long ago in a galaxy not that far away, on May 10th to be precise the Tar Galaxy formally the Milky way, a flicker of black dripped into another galaxy... and this is what was formed...

<a href="">That Our Own Volatile Nature by Galaxy Of Tar</a>

Download the new album and immerse yourself into the tar. Galaxy Of Tar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once the album switches over to a "pay-purchase", tracks 1 and 2 will remain available as a free download at