I arrived more than "10 minutes early" I was there a whole hour before doors opened. I decided to do my usual catch up with people I don't usually have time for since I work all the time and no would be a perfect opportunity to see what's up in there lives bit, whew. As my eyes panned around the front bar of the Knitting Factory I only saw a few people sitting here and there. A group of three at a table looking over a laptop, a congregation of people at the bar, oh look there's Murry and Natalia of The Dears, bartender....what? Wait rewind, as my friend Wayne starts about wrapping up work on his book sordidly he began to melt away as I saw Patrick, Rob and Roberto. Holy sweet monkey tits its the band! I quickly end my conversation with Wayne promising to call him back later. I had them all to myself, my sink or swim duck-duck-goose game began as my inner monologue rolled out a whole conversations worth of question for the band. I tend to live inside my head far to often and as I was emerging from the inner recesses of my cavernous mind I watched as the band rolled towards the door and heard my self let out a "I LOVE YOU GUYS" in the most shrill teenage love song of a voice.
Getting over my outburst and after running out to get a slice I returned energized to take on the night. As I dived for a open spot I realized I was the only one in a ten foot radius of the stage. Success, also in hindsight the doors just opened and I flung myself in the room like a drunk hitting the pavement. I pried myself away from the stage long enough to get over to the merch table. All proceeded collected from the sale of The Dears Merch on this residency tour was going to be donated to the War Child organization, I can get behind that. I got a tour poster aw well as a tee. I packed up my swag and found my way back to my spot before the opening band began to play. It was a good set by the band and well I still had at least five feet of room around me before The Dears went on. I thought I had it made, a off center spot to shoot from as well as room. Neither lasted. The crowd swarmed in and Natalia's keyboards were set up smack dab in my face. I saw trapped between the rock and a hard place, well squishy human bodies. The lights lowered and the band took the stage. What followed was Ragnarök to my ears. A symphonic juggernaut of sound and waves of emotional bliss, The Dears playing, in its entirety, their all new material - Degeneration Street.
Alternating between shooting photo's, video, and taking in the show with all my senses I collected a few videos and photos to share. Enjoy.
The second track off of the album "5 Chords"
The Fourth song off of the album, "Thrones"
The twelfth song off of the album, "Unsung"
And it was done. The entire album played live. It was a great tool to promote the upcoming album release and also help the War Child organization. The Dears left the stage and left me much richer in my state of mind. To bad it wouldn't last as you well know a band doesn't leave the stage there is the required encore, that of which blew what little mind I had left.
If the end could have a sound let it be a album by The Dears, let is sing this world softly into the night down a lonely street, Degeneration Street.
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