Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I Want You

Everybody in NYC is always on their hustle Rhyson Hall of westoletheshow.com is no different. He has a video out called, "I Want You".

Usually he's asking the questions but I turned the tables on him and asked him a few questions about the video.

Kaos Blac: So what was the concept behind the video?

Rhyson Hall: Well the director is interested in dark films and comedies and I was reading alot of sci fi at the time so we decided to treat it like a Twilight Zone episode. The guy comes over for dinner, is drugged, thinks hes going to sleep with her and ends up in her lair. Shes like a black widow.

Kaos Blac: Sweet. Is the song just a single or apart of a longer project?

Rhyson Hall: For now its just a single on its own. We have a lot of music but we haven't released a project yet.

Kaos Blac: Were can people get more info on what you do?

Rhyson Hall: We interview artists and take footage at nyc events and that can be found on westoletheshow.com.

Our older albums/mixtapes,

And our new music is here:
  Latest tracks by westoletheshow

Rhyson and his westoletheshow.com cohort, Grand Phee, have a show coming up so you can check out what they're about live:

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