Its called the Junkyard, but full of junk, useless items castaway from the world, it is not. This Junkyard is the base of operations for designer Chanel Kennebrew and here line, Junkprints. Here she crafts, contemplates, and wax's and wain's her brand in the comfort of here own space.
- Chanel working tirelessly on a new product even as her event is about to begin.
It's been a great year for Chanel from moving into and renovating the Junkyard to her and the brand's exposure as apart of a feature in the New York Times business section, (pgs 13-16 of online article), now comes her first Fashion Night Out open studio event. Iwas just glad I could be there to take it all in and witness something of a Renaissance woman in her element.
- My favorite pieces are seen here: The Junkprints laptop/i-pad cases. Seen in a blue and white cassette motif and also in a woodgrain motif.
-Prints, and Bags in the Junkprints line. You never know when you have to store some "junk" so there are tons of shapes ans sizes of bags available.
- Junkprints in a mixture of old and new pieces hence the reworking of matchbox and hotwheel cars into "speed broaches".
- The early birds at they event trying to catch the Fashion savvy Junkprints worm.
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