Sunday, April 15, 2012

Gender and Variance in species

Thanks to ComicsAlliance for putting me on to the great and varied art work of artist Humon. The site recently featured a set of pictures featuring differing animal groups as cutie figures and their fluidity of sexuality and roles. I just wanted to share these with you.

Also from her deviantART page comes this piece on PCOS
PCOS is a very common disease. 1 in 5 women may even have it, but most doesn't know. " About the gender confusion. There are some PCOS women who throught they were trans, but after starting PCOS treatment reported no longer wanting to change gender. This is not to say all trans people are like this, just that the overload of testerone can have a strong effect on some PCOS women's minds as well as bodies." - Humon

For more of Humon's art check out her DeviantART page.

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